Hereyoucanfindoutallthelatestnewsandevents/groupstakingplaceinour Parish.Latest News:THANKYOUtoeveryonewhodonatedtotheappealforthehomelessand thosewhohelpedtransporttheenormouslygenerousnumberofgiftstothe WorthingSoupKitchen.Thecoordinator,Khristina,wastheretoreceive everythingandsaid“Itissooverwhelmingtowitnesssomuchgenerosity especiallywhenthingsaresodifficultforsomany.Thankyouandhavea beautifulandpeacefulChristmas”.Shewasalsoorganisingthefuneralofa younghomelessmannamedStephenandhassubsequentlyinformedmeofthe deathofMatthewonthestreetinWorthing.Pleasekeeptheminyourprayers. (Celeste - Justice & Peace)Events Include:New Beginnings, a support group for all those who have been widowed.Table Tennis meets every Friday from 2:00pm till 4:00pmTea, Chat and Scrabble meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 2:00pmWhist Drive meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month 1:00pm till 4:00pmKnitting Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month from 2:00pm till 4:00pm Silver Songs: Will meet in the Church Hall at 10:30 on the last Thursday of the Month Entrance will be £3 per person, to include coffee and biscuit andproceeds will go to Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice.ArkParentandToddlerwillbeopeneveryMonday(10:00am-11.30am)in the Church hall. All are welcome. FirstHolyCommunionProgrammeisforChildrenintheParishwhohave been baptised and are regular Church goers and are eight or overConfirmationProgrammeisforyoungadultsintheParishwhohavemade their First Communion and want to commit their faithBethany Community – will restart its Holy Hour on Thursdays from 5pm to 6pm. We start with Exposition, then Rosary with a Eucharistic flavour, followed by silent adoration. Ending with Evening Prayer of the Church and as much of Benediction as we can without a priest. All welcome. Since Covid, this hasn’t happened and also unfortunately, we have lost some of our Adorers RIP. So here’s hoping a new group of people can come together to adore and praise the Lord every Thursday, the day Jesus left us this wonderful gift.To read about Bethany Community: please follow the linkMemories of Fr. StephenTributes from ParishionersFr. Stephen's Memorial Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea which took place on Wednesday 21st FebruaryFr. David - Deacon Allan’s reflections on Fr David - click here
Hereyoucanfindoutallthelatestnewsand events/groups taking place in our Parish.Latest News:THANKYOUtoeveryonewhodonatedtothe appealforthehomelessandthosewhohelped transporttheenormouslygenerousnumberofgifts totheWorthingSoupKitchen.Thecoordinator, Khristina,wastheretoreceiveeverythingandsaid “Itissooverwhelmingtowitnesssomuch generosityespeciallywhenthingsaresodifficult forsomany.Thankyouandhaveabeautifuland peacefulChristmas”.Shewasalsoorganisingthe funeralofayounghomelessmannamedStephen andhassubsequentlyinformedmeofthedeathof MatthewonthestreetinWorthing.Pleasekeep them in your prayers. (Celeste - Justice & Peace)Events Include:NewBeginnings,asupportgroupforallthosewho have been widowed.TableTennismeetseveryFridayfrom2:00pmtill 4:00pmTea, Chat and Scrabble meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 2:00pmWhistDrivemeetsonthe1stand3rdMondayof the month 1:00pm till 4:00pmKnitting Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month from 2:00pm till 4:00pm Silver Songs: Will meet in the Church Hall at 10:30 on the last Thursday of the Month Entrance will be £3 per person, to include coffee and biscuit andproceeds will go to Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice.ArkParentandToddlerwillbeopenevery Monday(10:00am-11.30am)intheChurchhall. All are welcome. FirstHolyCommunionProgrammeisfor ChildrenintheParishwhohavebeenbaptisedand are regular Church goers and are eight or overConfirmationProgrammeisforyoungadultsin theParishwhohavemadetheirFirstCommunion and want to commit their faithBethany Community – will restart its Holy Hour on Thursdays from 5pm to 6pm. We start with Exposition, then Rosary with a Eucharistic flavour, followed by silent adoration. Ending with Evening Prayer of the Church and as much of Benediction as we can without a priest. All welcome. Since Covid, this hasn’t happened and also unfortunately, we have lost some of our Adorers RIP. So here’s hoping a new group of people can come together to adore and praise the Lord every Thursday, the day Jesus left us this wonderful gift.To read about Bethany Community: please follow the linkMemories of Fr. StephenTributes from ParishionersFr. Stephen's Memorial Mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea which took place on Wednesday 21st FebruaryFr. David - Deacon Allan’s reflections on Fr David - click here